Since Eachine released two brand new drones for sale: Eachine E511 and Eachine E511S. Both are foldable and comes with amazing camera quality including some awesome features. They are the latest addition to the ever-growing set of smart camera drones for beginners. However, if you are shopping specifically for Eachine brands or you want to know what’s the difference between these drones. Then read further below because you will find out the information you need to make before making a shopping decision.
In this guide, we will compare these two drones based on its specifications and feature that each brings to the table. However, we will get these out of the way first. Both Eachine E511 and Eachine E511S come with the same flight time of up to 16 minutes. They also are foldable and are around the same size which is pretty much self-explanatory. But, the major difference is that Eachine E511 doesn’t have a GPS module while Eachine E511S does, aside from the fact that they have different color skin.
Benefits of GPS Module
There are several advantages that the Eachine E511S drone has to offer for beginners and recreational remote pilots thanks to its built-in GPS module. Which is something that the Eachine E511 drone lacks? Therefore, if you are looking for a drone that can perform intelligent flight modes, the Eachine E511S can do several functions such as Follow Me, Orbit Mode, and even customizing your flight paths. With these features, you can map out the drone’s flight route without having to focus on navigating or simply let it follow you around. With a GPS module, more features can be accessed and can provide more convenience and options for you.
Furthermore, the Eachine E511S drone has a much bigger control range compared to Eachine E511. The Eachine E511S has a maximum remote control distance of up to 300 meters. While the Eachine E511 drone can only fly up to 200 meters. If the ability to fly far is what matters the most to you, then the Eachine E511S is probably the best option for you. Not to forget to mention that Eachine E511S drone flies much smoother and precise thanks to its built-in GPS module.
Price Difference
Aside from the fact that Eachine E511S comes with a lot more features. There is a price difference that some shoppers might want to consider that. Both drones are great, incredibly durable, very engaging to fly and resembles a similar appearance to DJI Mavic Air. They also make a great training quadcopter for beginners who are looking to start with before shopping for one of these professional-grade camera drones.
The Eachine E511 drone can be bought for $119.99, while its advanced edition is sold for $159.99. However, if you want to get the best features out of a drone. The Eachine E511S is a great choice. Although, if these features don’t matter that much to you, and you just want to have a great quality drone to soar around. Then, the Eachine E511 is the perfect match for you. Do keep it in your mind that Eachine E511S has a remote control feature that allows you to adjust camera remotely, which is a powerful function that Eachine E511 doesn’t have it.